SpikeBoarding is an endurance sport born by way of connecting two existing kinetics that create two new propulsion strokes. The Skateboard/Scooter kick (legs) plus cross country (Nordic) ski (upper body) arms and core performance are combined for recreation or transportation on 4 wheels and a deck. This stroke is called CXC / Cubi-X-Cross. The second stroke, SUS / Stand Up Spike is a modification of the double polling Nordic skiing stroke brought to one shaft and always performed with equal cadence to both sides of the board. SUS stroke climbs mountains. SpikeBoarding focuses on endurance, strength and conditioning training the full body while engaging balance and activating the core constantly.
SpikeBoarding is the only endurance sport to activate bilateral limb development of the legs at elevated anaerobic levels. Hockey, LAX, MMA, Football, Baseball, Alpine Ski, Wrestlers, Swimmers and just about all athletes can use SpikeBoarding for strength and conditioning plus local commuting.
A quick review of the press SpikeBoarding has generated will explain more.